Unified Inventory Experience for Manufacturers and Distributors

There are many benefits to a unified inventory experience on a cloud-based, composable SaaS e-commerce platform.  A single interface for immediate access to part and product availability across all manufacturing, distribution, and warehouse sites managed by different inventory and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems enhances both the operational efficiency for the business and the overall […]

Unified Promotions Experience: Effectively Manage Promotions to Drive Growth, Enhance Customer Satisfaction, and Maintain a Competitive Edge in the Market

Managing e-commerce promotions requires a combination of strategic planning, implementation, and analysis. Promotions can significantly enhance a business’s performance and customer experience including: Increased Sales and Revenue: Special offers and discount promotions can encourage customers to make purchases they might not otherwise make, boosting sales volume and revenue. Increased Average Order Value: Bundling products or […]

Unified Search and Catalog Experience: Generative AI Delivers More Efficient Search

To grow sales and remain competitive, Manufacturers and Distributors need to take advantage of the latest eCommerce unified search and catalog capabilities to ensure they are delivering superior shopping experiences, improving operational efficiency, and driving business growth. Generative AI-powered technologies are changing everything from how users search for products to how content is generated. Several […]

Unified Order Management Experience: Drive Growth and Optimize Operations

Unified order management integrates order processing and fulfillment across multiple sales channels including online stores as well as physical store locations.  How you implement unified order management is critical to your business success – especially if you are a Manufacturer or Distributor. Can a single interface be used to order across multiple brands, product lines, […]

Ecommerce for Manufacturers & Distributors: Navigating the Journey

ECOMMERCE FOR MANUFACTURERS & DISTRIBUTORS: Navigating the Journey Are you a manufacturer or distributor who has many experienced employees retiring and you find yourself hiring a younger, digitally fluent workforce? Are your customers expecting an easier, faster way to find and order parts? Have you made the right technology investments to ensure you stay competitive? […]

Unlocking Manufacturing Success: How Platform Strategies Propel Growth, Market Expansion, and Fend off Competition

Manufacturing companies that change from a product to a platform strategy and business model are breaking away from the competition with their newfound ability to accelerate core business growth, expand to new markets, and defend against competitors who focus on the customer experience as their primary value proposition. Historically, manufacturing businesses have obtained a competitive […]

Unleashing Manufacturing Innovation: The Power of a Unified Customer Experience Platform (CXP)

In today’s digital, always-on world, innovation is no longer a luxury. To stay ahead of the competition, manufacturers must deliver world-class customer experiences with solutions that increase efficiency, mitigate risks, and accelerate time-to-market.  But for many manufacturers, legacy, on-premise systems and business silos result in disconnected customer experiences that prevent even the best companies from […]

What leads to innovation?

The world needs innovation. As global events impact our daily lives and the world becomes increasingly digitized, innovation is the key to moving forward in business. It has always been the case, but more and more companies are now waking up to this reality and to the multitude of opportunities that innovation offers. Somebody asked […]

4 Lessons Enterprise B2B Companies Can Learn from Amazon

Amazon has upended the digital commerce world. Many customers are now skipping brick and mortar stores and ordering everything, from electronic gizmos to groceries, from Amazon. In 2019, the company’s 2-day Prime Day sale generated an estimated $7.1 billion dollars in sales, topping its 2018 totals for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. In total, the […]